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Managing the Resident App Social Feed

How to turn on post approvals
Jude Chiy
Updated 1 year ago
The social feed on your resident app is a great place for residents to connect virtually, ask questions, find workout buddies, post event pictures and many other things.

It's tempting to want to turn on post approvals so you have to approve all posts but we don't recommend that for a few reasons.
  • It decreases engagement on the app
  • It's more work for you to have to approve every post
  • 99.9% of posts by residents are positive or helpful to their neighbors. 
  • Residents can use the feed to ask common questions that their neighbors can answer instead of emailing you those questions
  • Even when residents complain, it's helpful to see what these complaints are in an environment that is internal. It would be worst if these residents went and left complaints on Google, Facebook, Yelp, or another external site that you don't control. 
  • If you have problem residents, you are able to block specific people from posting.
Here is a concrete example of why pre-approving post is bad:

This resident has something urgent they needed help with from their neighbors but the post hasn't been approved yet. So going forward, she is most likely going to stop posting.

If you still do want to turn on post approvals, here is how to do it:
  1. Go to Settings > Post Approvals
  2. Turn on Post Approvals
Going forward, you'll receive an email to approve any resident posts. 

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