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How to add Flamingo to your Apple Developer Account

This lets Flamingo publish and edit your app on your behalf.
Jude Chiy
Updated 3 months ago
Apple Website Directions: https://developer.apple.com/help/app-store-connect/manage-your-team/add-and-edit-users

Users to invite -
1) Support@getflamingo.com
2) flamingomobile@simformsolutions.com

  1. Login to your Apple Developer Account
  2. From Users and Access, under People, click the add button (+) on the top left

  3. Provide the required information:
    1. Enter the user’s first name, last name, and valid email address. Any email address may be used to activate the account, not necessarily one that’s associated with an Apple ID.

    2. Assign user roles to determine the sections the user can access and tasks they can perform. Ensure you provide Developer AND App Manager Access. And ensure the following are selected for App Manager 

      1. Access to Reports

      2. Access to Certificates, Identifiers, & Profiles

      3. Access to Cloud Managed Distribution Certificate

    3. If applicable, determine if the user should have access to additional permissions, such as Access to Reports, Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles on the Apple Developer website, or Create Apps. Note that any user that’s given access to reports or to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles can view all app information and can’t have their app access limited.

  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Invite.

Permissions: make sure you provide the permissions below.  
  • Role: App Manager
  • Additional Resources:
    • Access to Reports
    • Access to Certificates, Ids & Profiles
    • Access to Cloud Managed Certificates, Ids & Profiles.

Make sure you provide the access below:

For Google Play Console:
Email to add:

  • flamingomobile@simformsolutions.com
  • flamingo@api-4625488201289244460-848356.iam.gserviceaccount.com
  • Create, edit and delete draft apps
  • Create and publish private apps to your organization
  • Release to production, exclude devices and use Play app signing
  • Release apps to testing tracks
  • Manage testing tracks and edit tester lists
  • Manage store presence
  • Manage policy declarations (Might need this to declare privacy policy for apps)
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