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Resident Communication Options

Email/Eblasts, Digital Signage, Push Notifications, Social Feed, Text Messages
Jude Chiy
Updated 1 year ago
Below are the resident communication modules available. You can use any of these to communicate with your residents. 

  • Announcements
  • Email / Eblasts
  • Digital Signage Lobby Screens
  • Push Notifications
  • Social Feed
  • Text Messages
Announcements: When you send announcements, residents receive the announcement as an email, push notification, and app social post. This ensures you never hear "I didn't get that email" from a resident since the announcements show up in many different places. All "Future" and "Current" residents receive the email but only residents that have the app receive the post notification or see it in the app. This is your workhorse: 99% of your communication should be announcements. 

Email / Eblasts: use this when you need to get fancy and add lots of images, design, and other newsletter elements. 

Digital Signage Lobby Screens: use this for passive communication. 

Push Notifications: Whenever you send an announcement, residents receive it as a push notification. 

Social Feed: Whenever you send an announcement, residents see it on the social feed / e-bulletin board. 

Text Message: Use this for critical communication. 
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