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How to Upload Your Resident Data if Your Property Management System is Not Integrated with Flamingo

Uploading or importing your resident data is very if you go to to SETTINGS > INTEGRATIONS
Jude Chiy
Updated 1 year ago
Flamingo integrates with almost all Property Management Systems including Yardi, RealPage, and Entrata.
And for most Flamingo customers, your Property Management System will be integrated with Flamingo so that your resident data in your property management system syncs automatically with Flamingo.

If your property management system is not integrated with Flamingo, then you'll need to manually upload your resident data to Flamingo. We recommend uploading this data at minimum once a week because if you don't do so, new residents are not able to access their app.

To upload your resident data, please do the following:
  1. Download your resident data from your property management system. Your download needs to include the following fields. The ones in bold are required. The others are recommended but option. 
    1. Email
    2. First Name
    3. Last Name
    4. Phone Number
    5. Birthday
    6. Move-in Date
    7. Move-Out Date
    8. Lease Start Date
    9. Lease Expiration Date
    10. PMS Status
    11. Unit Number
    12. CustomerType
    13. CustomStatus
  2. Then login to your Flamingo account and navigate to the upload by page by doing the following: 'Dashboard.GetFlamingo.Com' > Settings > Integrations.
  3. This will take you to the upload page where you can upload your resident data. If you haven't already, download the resident data template excel document. Your upload must match this template EXACTLY with the following EXACT column headings and EXACT order that are ALL required:
    1. Email
    2. FirstName
    3. LastName
    4. PhoneNumber
    5. Birthday
    6. MovedIn
    7. MovedOut
    8. LeaseStart
    9. LeaseExpires
    10. PMSStatus
    11. UnitNumber
    12. CustomerType
    13. CustomStatus
  4. The Acceptable File Extensions for the resident list that you can upload to Flamingo are any of the following: .CSV, .XLS and .XLSX. Any other file extensions will NOT work. 
  5. Once you are ready to upload, click on "Upload new file" button and you'll be able to upload your resident list.
  6. IMPORTANT NOTE: When you upload, your residents are not added to the app or platform immediately. Flamingo runs a daily sync which happens around 9am CST. This sync can take 5 to 6 hours to complete depended on the amount of data that needs to be synced that day. 

Common Issues and Fixes
  • Missing Required Data: If you have a row on your document that is missing required data, your file won't upload. E.g. if one of your residents is missing an email, the upload won't work. The required fields are Email, First Name, Last Name, Move-in Date, Lease Start Date, and Unit Number
  • Incorrect Date Formatting: only the following formats are acceptable for dates.
    • MM/DD/YY
    • MM/DD/YYYY
    • M/d/YYYY
    • MM-DD-YYY
    • MM-DD-YYYY
  • Incorrect Phone Number Formatting: The number will should only contain numbers and no other characters.
  • Checklist Not Working: For the move-in checklist to be triggered for a specific resident, the PMSStatus must be "Future" and the resident cannot already be in the system. The move-in checklist is ONLY triggered for new residents who are not already in Flamingo when you do the upload. 
  • "I uploaded my data successfully and residents are not showing up":
    • Move-In Date is more than 35 days away: Flamingo only adds residents who are 35 days or less from moving in. If you upload a list that has a resident who is further than 35 days from move-in, this resident's account won't be added until later when they are 35 days or less. Our system will still capture their information BUT we won't trigger an account for them until later in the future. All other residents included in that upload will be triggered. 
    • Daily Sync hasn't triggered: Flamingo only syncs once per day. So if you upload a new list, wait 24 hours.  
  • CustomStatus - the only acceptable value for this field is "Amenity Fee Member". Use this to designate residents who are amenity fee members and therefore can have special privileges like special events.
  • Removing residents who have moved out: Flamingo automatically removes residents the day after lease expiration or move-out date. If a resident renews their lease, you need to upload an updated list that includes the most up to date information. This will automatically update the information for all your residents.
  • Updating information for residents who renew: If a resident renews their lease, you need to upload an updated list that includes the most up to date information. This will automatically update the information for all your residents. 

Recommended Name Convention: Buillding Name_Date
Example: Nightingale Apartments - 12/1/2023

Sample fileSample Flamingo SFTP File

This what your data should look like.
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